Yıl: 2021
AB müzakerelerine Türkiye`yle birlikte başladı, yarın üye oluyor
Türkiye ile birlikte 2005 yılında AB müzakerelerine resmen başlayan Hırvatistan, 1 Temmuz itibariyle Avrupa Birliği’nin resmi üyesi oluyor. Hırvatistan, üyelik…
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Bir kırlangıçla bahar gelmez
Not because I missed the great run-up (though I did) and not because I fear that the bitcoin bubble will…
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İkna genellikle kaba kuvvetten daha etkilidir
Not because I missed the great run-up (though I did) and not because I fear that the bitcoin bubble will…
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Hibs ve Ross County taraftarları finalde
Not because I missed the great run-up (though I did) and not because I fear that the bitcoin bubble will…
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Günün ipucu: Yine o adam
Not because I missed the great run-up (though I did) and not because I fear that the bitcoin bubble will…
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Xbox patronu Scorpio Projesinin fiyatını söylüyor
Not because I missed the great run-up (though I did) and not because I fear that the bitcoin bubble will…
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Mümkün Olanın Geleceği
Not because I missed the great run-up (though I did) and not because I fear that the bitcoin bubble will…
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Bilgi güçtür
Not because I missed the great run-up (though I did) and not because I fear that the bitcoin bubble will…
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